Walter Pfefferle Collection

Captured moments of authenticity

The human being is at the center of my pictures, with his idiosyncrasy, his preferences, his needs, his small weaknesses and great strengths. The people I always meet with great respect, I want to give their personality with the image the right frame. Also the pictures shown here are unplanned, out of the situation, I have encountered the people so, they were simply in this moment themselves. This is my idea of authenticity. The texts to the pictures do not want to evaluate, but should help to understand the context, to get a connecting point for the own thoughts. Thus we build a bridge to our own experience and can perceive the person shown in its uniqueness.

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"That's why his pictures show the essentials and touch the viewers through their unfiltered authenticity."
Stephan Raif

My story behind the collection

The human being is in the center of my pictures, with his peculiarity, his preferences, his needs, his small weaknesses and big strengths.

The people I always meet with great respect, I want to give their personality with the image the right frame.
The pictures shown here are unplanned, out of the situation, I have encountered the people so, they were simply in this moment themselves.

This is my idea of authenticity.

Dare to look into the soul of the people around you


Café Disputation

Entertainment at Café Trieste in San Francisco

Experience images

As we look at it, we build a bridge to our own experience and can connect directly to our own memories, we can experience the image.

The caring dog

Atlanta, Woodruff Park

Pure pleasure / taste explosion

One bite into the cotton candy, all taste buds rejoice



Evening scene in the pedestrian zone in Essen

My world

The winter sun and me

I am here and yet far away

Learn more about the collection and prices?

Download the brochure with our price list

Other collections from Walter Pfefferle